Saturday, May 14, 2011

Who's Really The Boss In The USA?

Newt Gingrich crawled out from under his rock yesterday to make a political speech to explain why corporations shouldn't pay taxes and why we should thank them for not paying taxes because if we don't humble ourselves before the corporate gods we won't have jobs.
I don't know about anyone else but I'm tired of Corporations and the politicians in their pockets telling me I better go along with their program or I won't have a job. Here's a tip: We're still by far the biggest economic powerhouse in the world, although we're giving that position away daily. So let's not forget they won't have a corporation or their cushy CEO jobs if WE quit buying.

Next time you see the squeeze being applied by a corporation or some political minion on behalf of a corporation; next time you hear "do it our way or it will cost you jobs"; realize at that moment that you are being blackmailed and held up, and that should be your sign to boycott that corporation. They seem to have forgotten that we're still in charge. We seem to have forgotten that we CAN be in charge.

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